Letter to Parents 16th November 2021 – COVID Update

Further to my letter last week, I am writing to update Parents and Carers on the current increase in Covid cases which we are seeing in the school.  The increase is specifically in Year 10.  At present we do not have any positive cases in our Primary and we have very small numbers of students who have tested positive in Years 7-9 and Years 11-13 however we continue to monitor this on a daily basis. Testing: Yesterday we Lateral Flow tested all Year 10 students for whom we had consent.  We will repeat this on Thursday in line with guidance.  Students are encouraged to do a Lateral Flow test at home at least twice weekly. Tests are available from reception. Windows and doors: we are ensuring good ventilation by keeping classroom windows and doors open.  Please encourage your children to wear base layers as we go further into winter as coats should not be worn in the classroom.  Hand hygiene: students are encouraged to sanitise their hands on arrival to/departure from class. Cleaners will continue to replenish sanitisation products as well as clean touch points throughout the school day. Masks in indoor communal areas: students and staff are encouraged to wear masks in corridors and communal areas.  This is not mandatory but is recommended particularly during this two week period. In addition the secondary phase assemblies will run through form groups rather than in the main hall during this time. If your child displays any symptoms or if you have any concerns please do a Lateral Flow test.  If your child has a negative LF test please send them to school.  If the LF test is positive, please book a PCR test https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test We will review the impact of these enhanced preventative measures in two weeks’ time to determine any further actions required and I will keep you updated.  Thank you for your support. Yours faithfully, Clare Cross Acting Principal Read the full letter here